Turkindness: Experience The Kindness of Strangers In Turkey

Turkindness: the unexpected kindness one experiences walking through Turkey. Local people along our path ask us where we are going and are concerned that we may be going the wrong way.
This happened yesterday along our 37km walk through rolling hills and muddy tracks. Along a stretch of road we were asked by two elederly locals where we were heading. We told them and they were pointing us in a different direction. We forgot about the incident and carried along heading off the road and walking up a dirt track.
About half an hour later, as we sat taking a break at the top of a hill a farmer with two young locals approached us on a tractor. One of the young men spoke English and asked us where we were going.
We realised that the two elderly men we had met earlier were concerned that we may be going in the wrong direction and may become lost.
The Kindess Of Strangers
This unexpected concern for our safety and the kindness we experienced from total strangers throughout the journey has been heartwarming.
There is an energy exchange when kindness is expressed. Both for the giver and the receiver. This energy is what melts barriers and connects us.
Practising Kindness
It is a reminder to see where in our own every day lives can we be kinder not only to total strangers but those that we spend most time with.
It is the little things that we can make the big differences daily. Don’t save up your kindness. Kindness is cumulative. Do little things consistently and you will find that the energy of kindness fills you with great happiness.