Laon Cathedral
Day 20: Walking into Laon we had a glimpse of what it may have been like being a pilgrim approaching the 12th and 13th Century stone Gothic Laon Cathedral. Gothic Masterpiece Laon ...
Day 20: Walking into Laon we had a glimpse of what it may have been like being a pilgrim approaching the 12th and 13th Century stone Gothic Laon Cathedral. Gothic Masterpiece Laon ...
Walking reveals stories, uncovers connections. As I walked today on Day 16 of our pilgrimage to Jerusalem the French landscape revealed its stories. We walked today from Bapaume to Peronne, walking ...
Nettles. Brambles. Thorns. Thistles. Itches. Scratches. Stinging. Rashes. Cuts. Gashes. Inclines. Declines. Uphill. Downhill. Ups. Downs. Precipitous. Slips. Strains. Sprains. Soreness. Swelling. Cramps. Pain. Sun. Blistering. Sunshine. Sunburn. Heat. Rash. Perspiration. Sweating. Stripping. Covering. Humid. Red. ...
Brambling: the art of discovering stories through the slow art of walking, observing and conversation. It is recognising beauty in the most insignificant - a post box, a view through ...