Monthly Archives

June 2017



  Field: an expanse of open or cleared ground defined by boundaries for the cultivation or pasture; a sphere of activity, interest or knowledge; a seemingly unending monoculture of sameness to ...

Forge: rewriting history through boldness
Calais Malais

Calais Malais

Malaise Noun. 1. a condition of general bodily weakness or discomfort, often marking the onset of a disease. 2. a vague or unfocused feeling of mental uneasiness, lethargy, or discomfort. We all get 'those days ...

Piece: how to experience blissedness through blessedness


Defence: to de-fence; to remove ignorance through understanding. To break down barriers through dispelling fear. To destroy walls of hatred through love. To create harmony through tearing down the fences ...

Pilgrim’s Creed

Pilgrim’s Creed

Nettles. Brambles. Thorns. Thistles. Itches. Scratches. Stinging. Rashes. Cuts. Gashes. Inclines. Declines. Uphill. Downhill. Ups. Downs. Precipitous. Slips. Strains. Sprains. Soreness. Swelling. Cramps. Pain. Sun. Blistering. Sunshine. Sunburn. Heat. Rash. Perspiration. Sweating. Stripping. Covering. Humid. Red. ...


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