Monthly Archives

July 2017

Lived Beauty

Lived Beauty

Today four of us decided on our day off to climb up to a high alpine lake and then above to a mountain. I had my wish to experience the ...

Tamed: The Taming and Reframing of Beauty

Tamed: The Taming and Reframing of Beauty

Tamed Beauty:  domesticated beauty; wild beauty that has been sanitised, sanctioned; censoring and distancing us from our true nature. Controlling and reframing our perception of beauty. Desublimation through controlling the ...

Haute Cowture: Understanding High Class Cow Fashion In Switzerland
Foraging: Finding Connection Through Discovery
Forlorn: In Memory of the Forgotten

Forlorn: In Memory of the Forgotten

  Forlorn: 1. desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable, as in feeling, condition, or appearance. 2. lonely and sad; forsaken. 3. expressive of hopelessness; 4. bereft; destitute As we walk through France on our way to Jerusalem we ...

Heart Opening: A Day of Experiencing Little Kindnesses



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